What does legacy
mean to you?
“It’s giving my son the right base,
the right structure. It’s the skills I can teach him.”
Alexander, Owner of a bespoke
decor studio & father
“My legacy is to be the woman who always makes room at the table."
Yi Chan, CEO & Grandmother
“It all starts with home and ends with home I guess. Building a home for my kids, making it nice for them now and providing security for later.”
Executive Engineer & Father
“It’s about sharing things that matter with those who matter to you. I guess it all starts at home.”
Maryam, Interior Design Entrepreneur & Mother
“It’s giving my son the right base,
the right structure. It’s the skills I can teach him.”
Alexander, Owner of a bespoke
decor studio & father
“My legacy is to be the woman who always makes room at the table."
Yi Chan, CEO & Grandmother
“It all starts with home and ends with home I guess. Building a home for my kids, making it nice for them now and providing security for later.”
Executive Engineer & Father
“It’s about sharing things that matter with those who matter to you. I guess it all starts at home.”
Maryam, Interior Design Entrepreneur & Mother
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